Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Day 141

Well big fat meh! It's June 1st and I wanted to lose 3 stone by then but unfortunately I have failed! Instead of losing the 2.5lbs I needed, I put on 2lbs! Which brings me 4.5lbs away from my 3 stone award! In all fairness, I knew where it came from. Here is the dinners I've had this week!

Wed 25th -  Potato Waffles & Sausage Rolls
Thurs 26th - Veg Stir Fry (free)
Fri 27th - Mexican Fajitas & wine
Sat 28th - Large bag of chips and fajitas and some Vodkas
Sun 29th - Roast Dinner (almost free)
Mon 30th - 2 slices of Dominos Pizza with Garlic Bread (full portion)
Tues 31st - Wine & loads of crisps and double helpings of HEX A and B.

I've hardly cooked dinner in ages, so I just have to face the truth and get stuck into it this week. This weekend is a bank holiday though, so hoping to try and eat in as much as possible and not get caught out. I will definitely have time to make dinner for myself on Thurs, Fri, Sat, Mon and Tues. Sunday I'm out all day from 4pm or so, and there's a BBQ on offer, so I'll be enjoying myself on Sunday having a burger and a few beers. Will try and stick to non-alcoholic drinks i.e. water and Diet 7up or something,

So I've to rethink my goals....

Mini Goals
  • 14th June: Achieve 3 stone award (4.5lbs to go; 2.5lbs average a week)
  • 4th July: Be 13.5 stone (9lbs to go; average 1.5lbs a week)

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