Saturday 19 March 2011

Day 65

So it was Paddy's Day yesterday and with me being Irish, I celebrated it. I overdid it though! I walked in the parade which must have lost me about 5lbs but I probably put it all back afterwards when I had 1 glass of champagne, brownies, muffins, 2 pints of Guinness, 6 Malibus, Orange and some crisps!

Went overboard on my Syns allowance and somehow have managed to be on 126 syns on my second day of the week. Whatsmore, today I'm being bold with racking 20 syns!

Bold Caroline!

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 63

Well well well.... Haven't posted here in ages... Guess I should start to as it will be a nice memoir for me to look back on. A lot has changed since my last post. I'll start with a diary of my weight loss to date...

So as you can see, I've been doing pretty well! Lost 1stone and 11.5lbs to date. Can't believe it myself to be honest as I've never lost weight before and I'm still having my packet of crisps, my chocolate but yet, still losing weight. 

I hope to lose 2.5lbs next week to get my 2 stone award! Got another 2.5 stone and some after that to go though before I reach my interim target. Hopefully I should hit my interim target before the 11/11/11 as I joined in 01/01/2011 so thought it would be fitting. I mean, if I get there, a 5 stone loss in 10 months is amazing! 

The Slimming World plan is great, you get to eat all your stuff but you gotta cut out the fat, oil etc... Recommend it to everyone!