Thursday, 26 May 2011

Day 136

So happy last night! I tried on a dress which I bought 2 years ago for a wedding in Italy that was a Size 16 from Miss Selfridges however it wouldn't close up at the back (it was a zip up) so I brought it to a dressmaker who extended the back to fit me about an inch or so on either side of the new zip. Probably would have been a Size 18, maybe 18-20 then. The last time I wore the dress was in September 2009 or so. I tried it on last year around March 2010 and it was really tight.

So I decided to try it on last night to see if it still fitted and was a bit looser but low and behold, the dress was far too big! So big at the back that it now has to be taken in again to be brought back to the original size of the dress! I'm so happy! I'm a  size 16 again! No more Size 18 for me!!!

I am more happy about wearing a size 16 than I am about achieving a nearly 3 stone loss! I also tried on a dress which I bought in a sale last November (size 16) thinking it would fit but it wouldn't even go over me it was that tight. Tried it on last night and it fits!!! It's still a bit short though, so I may have to lose a bit more weight for it to fit better!

Next goal! Size 14!!!!

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