Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Day 134

So I lost another 2.5lbs at SW tonight meaning my total loss is 2stone 11.5lbs. Not bad for 19 weeks! Can't believe I've lost that much already! I've been reading inspirational stories and see people who have lost less than me but they look loads thinner, I suppose cos I'm bigger it will not be as noticeable. However, I'm now 14 stone, so if I lose another 2st 11.5lbs, that will mean I'll be a bit bigger than 11st which has a BMI of 25.9 so it will mean I'll be in the healthy range for once in my life!

If it takes me the same amount of time to lose that weight, or even twice the amount of time, it will mean I've nearly a 6 stone loss! 6 stone in 1 year? Can it be done???

I dunno if I want to be 6 stone lighter (10st 11.5lbs)? I may look too thin? I see a pic of a girl who was 15stone gone down to 11st 5lbs and she looks fab! So maybe I'll wait til I hit my interim target of 12stone and then decide.

2 more stone to go til my Interim Target, which means if I lose half a stone a month, I can reach it by the end of September. :)

Oh and I got Slimmer of The Week :)

Mini Goals
  • 31st May: 3 stone award (13st 11.5lbs) (2.5lbs to go!)
  • 14th June: Be 13.5 stone (7.5lbs to go)
  • 4th July: Be 13 stone (14lbs to go)

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