Monday, 4 August 2014

Week 2 Food Pics

Didn't take pictures of all the food I had in Week 2 but took pictures of what was new instead!

Seabass for the first time! 

Omelette with spring onions and green peppers!

Yum yum pitta bread!! 

Week 2 of Mission Impossible

So this week was going to be a test, I was working in the country for 3 days of the working week AND it was a bank holiday. Working in the country meant I would miss 2 days training but I managed to ask the trainer if I could jump into the advance class on the Tuesday as I was missing one!

The week started out well, and then I was off to the country on the Tuesday with food in hand. The first test came on the Wednesday when I was out with colleagues for lunch, there were no salads I could get that matched my plan (i.e. not enough greens!) so I opted for a wholemeal sandwich with tuna and loads of lettuce and cucumber. The next day I went to a cafe to meet with my manager and oh my god, the cakes were looking at me so bad, especially a lemon meringue pie! I stuck with green tea and said I was going to have a big salad in an hour and managed to resist that way.

Went to a sandwich bar where they did up a gorgeous salad for me but they had no balsamic vinegar or olive oil so opted for a Ceaser dressing which I told her only a little bit but she poured it on! The Friday then, I went out for lunch again! No salads this time, I opted for what said, a Chicken Sandwich (served on wholemeal pitta bread). It came out absolutely dripping in mayo and sauce and wasn't a wholemeal pitta, I ate it and felt crap after it so drove 2 hours back to Dublin and hit the gym for an hour!

It felt good to be back in the gym sad as it sounds! Got home about 7.30pm then and now I could rest! I had no plans for the weekend unfortunately or fortunately so ended up doing a good shop and cooking food all weekend AND I didn't have any alcohol!

I did get a huge craving for a chipper on the Sunday though after I went to the gym, the day before Week 2 weigh in, I went to my local Tescos and it's surrounded by a Subway, a pizza place, a  burger place and McDonalds and a chipper! Before I probably would have went to the chipper and ordered myself a big bags of chips (I'm actually drooling over them now!).

So Monday morning, a bank holiday Monday morning I might add and it was weigh in time... *duh duh duh*

28th July - 12 stone 11.5lbs or 81.4kg
4th August - 12 stone 7.5lbs or 79.7kg

I had lost another  just close to 4lbs or 1.7kg!

Absolutely delighted! This brings my total loss to just under a stone, in just 2 weeks! So delighted with myself that I decided to have a nice breakfast at a local cafe to treat myself and still be on plan! The cafe which is called The Lo-Cal Cafe serves healthier options such as turkey rashers and sausages.

I opted for The Healthy Hangover with a green tea, absolutely delicious. This was my healthy cheat meal, still on plan but with a few added things I shouldn't be eating i.e. the beans AND bread & butter. It was soooo worth it though!

My gorgeous brunch!!! 

Cute little teapot! 

Right, so I'm past the halfway mark, only another 2 weeks to go and I know if I can go 2 weeks without drinking any sugar drinks, no crisps or chocolate, I know I can survive another 2!!!

Week 1 Food Pics

So... in my first week I took pictures of the foods I was eating to help remind me what I should be eating in case I get stuck for ideas.....Have a look below...


I found as the days went by, I was feeling a lot more fuller and less hungry and inclined to snack. When I snack, it's usually on berries or nuts or those delicious Nak'd bars which are so healthy, mostly on the Cashew Cookie one though but the Cocoa Orange and Berry Delight are too delicious and I could have 4 of them!

I limited myself to one bar a day and try to keep half of the bar for an evening snack if I have the first half in the afternoon. 

Week 1 of Mission Impossible

It was Sunday, my first day of training was Monday and I barely slept the night before, went to bed at 11pm, woke at 1am in a panic thinking I slept it out, and again at 3am, 4am and 5am where I just decided to wake up and get ready! I was so nervous going to the gym, arrived super early, so early the gates were still locked! 

The first day of training wasn't too bad, a lot of weight training and light cardio, I came home, prepared my breakfast and lunch and off to work I went feeling motivated and positive. I told my work colleagues I was doing this challenge and if I was tempted by bad foods, to please stop me. The second day I woke up early again, so decided to head into work early at 8am and went for a light jog/walk around the park for 45 minutes (go me!). I also started to get really bad headaches, this was probably from the sugar and caffeine withdrawals! 

The week went on, things started to get easier, the key is to prep my dinners in advance. The only thing that I was nervous about was we went out to dinner with work colleagues to Milanos. I wanted the dough balls so bad but instead ordered me a salmon salad and had a raspberry sorbet for dessert, perfect! I also went to the gym on days I wasn't training except for Saturday because my legs were like jelly after Cardio Fridays with Mission Impossible. 

So on the Monday morning, it was weigh in time! I mentioned that I got my weight taken by the trainer on Thursday 17th July before the challenge started and I weighed in at 13stone 4.5lbs, however, cos I knew I was starting the challenge, I binged on loads of takeaways and fast food and ended up putting on another 2lbs in 3 days! 

19th July - 13 stone 4.5lbs or 84.5kg
21st July - 13 stone 6.5lbs or 85.6kg
28th July - 12 stone 11.5lbs or 81.4kg

I had lost a total of  9lbs or 4.2kg

I was delighted with myself! Over half a stone gone in the first week and for the first time in my life, I am actually 12stone something! This really motivated me and I had to get into my head that the first week is going to be the biggest loss and that I shouldn't expect a weight loss like that every week! 

Onto Week 2!