Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Here we go....

I've decided, I'm gonna start a diary/blog of my experience losing weight with Slimming World. I will try and post at least 2 times a week about my weight loss and how I really feel about it. 

I have been wanting to lose weight for ages but I can't ever seem to get motivated so I thought, you know what, start a blog, see how much I eat, then come to the shock of the amount of it and then maybe I'll actually start to realise it's time for me to shift this weight.

Now I've got quite a nice curvaceous figure but I'm big. I take a size 18, sometimes I try and kid myself that I'm a 16 but the reality of it is, if there's an 18 available I go straight for it. I get told I have a pretty face, and I know myself that I do and I would have a stunning face if I had the body too. I don't mean a supermodel's body but a nice size 10-12 figure. I wouldn't have a double chin and my jawline would be more defined.

I suppose I have to ask myself what are the reasons why I'm doing this....
  • For myself. I want to be able to go into a shop and not worry about if they have my size or go into a shop and be able to pick the size for me and know I can get a bigger size if it doesn't fit properly. Me as a size 16-18 it's not possible for me to go up the next size cos usually it is the biggest size in the store!
  • I have a gorgeous boyfriend who loves my figure but sometimes I want to feel like I can be totally comfortable and not have those doubts in my mind about how I look when I'm with him.  
  • To be healthier I suppose. I have a form of arthritis in my hips so weight pressure on it is not doing it any good. The less weight on my top half the better!
So how am I going to do this????
  • Well I've just joined Slimming World. Hopefully this will be better than Weight Watchers and they will offer me a more flexible plan and support!
  • Start Aqua Aerobics. 
  • Join the gym
  • Get the bus and walk to work instead of driving at least 2 days a week. 
So yeah, that;s my plan, it will change over the course of time. 

Talk soon :) 


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