Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Back to Minus Square 10!

So I haven't been very good at updating this have I?

Well it's November 2015, a year since my last post.

My last post I said I was 12stone 10lbs or 82kg, today I weigh..... 92.4kg or 14st 8 lbs!

I honestly am disgusted with myself, why did I let all the hard work I did last year go back on and more! I weigh heavier now than I have done in 2 years! It's shocking! I've noticed the weight piling on the last few months, things are stressful for me at the moment and I'm finding myself comfort eating a lot. Or I'm using, ah sure I'm starting the diet on Monday, I'll have a takeaway as my last supper!

But no, enough is enough. It's the 24th November right now, tomorrow will be the 25th November which brings a month to Christmas Day, I'm going to set myself a target of 14 stone by then. I'm taking it baby steps.

All I need to lose is 8lbs, 2lbs a week. I can do this!